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NOTICE: MuseumSurplus.com will be offline and not selling products until approximately mid January 2023. about MuseumSurplus.com Welcome to MuseumSurplus.com. We are a low cost resource for museums, galleries, and the general public to acquire high grade Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Medieval antiquities, ancient coins, and fossils. We cater to first-time buyers as well as the experienced collector supplying single and lot quantities of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman antiquities, ancient coins, and fossils. We sell ancient coins, religious implements, such as Egyptian scarabs and ushabtis and Medieval Christian crosses, ancient jewelry, ancient arrow and spear heads, ancient tools, and ancient glassware and pottery. We also purchase antiquities from individuals, museums, and foundations. All items carry an unconditional lifetime guarantee to be authentic antiquities. We will provide a full purchase price refund if ever proven otherwise. Ken Martins Last Major Update: March 1, 2020 New - The Story of the Eid Mar Denarius New Page !! - Coins of Alexander the Great Special Offer - Roman Coin Set
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